Saturday, April 08, 2006

Our Bodies Know

As women we trust that some day if we want to have a child we will become pregnant. We believe that we will grow a healthy baby. Most of us will go out and start taking prenatal vitamins and maybe stopping that caffeine intake, even before we become pregnant. But overall, we trust that our body will work with us and be strong and capable of growing that special someone we are ready to meet.

That same confidence that we have in getting pregnant does not exist for labor. The actual birth of the child seems to be a big unknown to many first time moms. Dr's often don't encourage women to trust in their body--or to listen at all. Did our Mothers and Grandmothers listen? Did they allow themselves to ignore how strong and capable they were? Little by little I see women who trusted there body would become pregnant lose confidence that they will know how to birth their baby. We must remember that the body knows how to create the fetus and how to allow the new soul to emerge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.