Friday, May 04, 2007

"My Best"
By: Misty DeLuca, Doula

As the moons pass month after month
My belly and breasts swell …
Fuller and Rounder - radiating the glow of life within.

I admire the wonders of my womanly body as
My sensuous curves turn motherly
My motherly curves remain sensuous.

Finally, My day arrives.
The day woman becomes mother.

I'm frightened by the surge of energy that comes from a place deep within me I have never known before.
I need comforting,
I need support,
I need a wise woman - a mother to guide me.

As she stands motionless, I sense her presence.
She whispers for me to be strong,
To fully embrace my rite of passage.
To unite with other birthing women around the world who are also laboring with me.

Then, as the wind blows softly through my window it surrounds my body and holds me.
I feel the strength from the women of the world embrace me.

I now welcome the tremendous waves of energy my body produces.
Wave after wave after wave
My body works perfectly to birth my child.

And then, my hand reaches out and touches the unreal, the dreamed of, the perfect head of my precious child.
My baby is entering the world.
This world
So Kind and Cruel
So Joyful and Sorrowful
So Beautiful and Ugly
This is the world I have to offer my child

I vow to provide the best for my precious babe.
I will shelter, protect and nurture this gift from God.

I now offer my breast.
Full and round from months of anticipation.
Naked and ready for my babe's strong suck
I offer my breast.
I offer my best.

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